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杨磊博士在西安交通大学获得学士和博士学位,其博士论文针对标签与阅读器的信号冲突,基于射频识别技术的防伪认证,以及标签移动追踪展开了深入研究。在攻读博士学位期间,杨磊博士在ACM MobiComACM MobiHocIEEE INFOCOMIEEE ICNPIEEE TPDSIEEE TMCCCF推荐A类会议或期刊11篇,B类会议或期刊3篇。他的一篇关于射频标签实时追踪问题的论文(第一作者)被ACM MobiCom 2014评选为大会唯一“最佳论文奖”。这也是MobiCom评委会首次将该会议的最高奖项颁发给亚洲作者。他的另外一篇关于在线社交网络数据分发模型的论文也被ACM MobiHoc 2014大会评选为大会唯一“最佳论文奖”。杨磊博士在香港科技大学访问期间,因在批量防伪方面的贡献,于2013年获得香港政府创新科技署颁发的“最佳研究与创新银奖”他带领的科研小组开发的“航空行李人工分拣辅助系统”获得第17届中国国际软件博览会“金奖”。杨磊博士的毕业论文还获得了首届“ACM中国优秀博士论文奖”

报告内容Tagoram: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFID Tags to High-Precision Accuracy Using COTS Devices (MobiCom 2014, Best Paper Award)

报告简介:In many applications, we have to identify an object and then locate the object to within high precision (centimeter- or millimeter-level). Legacy systems that can provide such accuracy are either expensive or suffering from performance degradation resulting from various impacts, e.g., occlusion for computer vision based approaches.

In this work, we present an RFID-based system, Tagoram, for object localization and tracking using COTS RFID tags and readers. Tracking mobile RFID tags in real time has been a daunting task, especially challenging for achieving high precision. Our system achieves these three goals by leveraging the phase value of the backscattered signal, provided by the COTS RFID readers, to estimate the location of the object.

We have implemented the Tagoram system using COTS RFID tags and readers. The system has been tested extensively in the lab environment and used for more than a year in real airline applications. For lab environment, we can track the mobile tags in real time with a millimeter accuracy to a median of 5mm and 7.29mm using linear and circular track respectively. In our year- long large scale baggage sortation systems deployed in two air- ports, our results from real deployments show that Tagoram can achieve a centimeter-level accuracy to a median of 6.35cm in these real deployments.



