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bw必威西汉姆联官网首页国际双创实践周系列活动之 海外课程—Steffen Sammet副教授:《医学成像处理》


(通讯员 武越)以“拓展国际视野增强实践能力”为主题的bw必威西汉姆联官网首页首届国际双创实践周于7月1日开幕。应Betway88必威贾广教授的邀请,美国芝加哥大学医学中心影像科的副教授Steffen Sammet在双创实践周开设了英文本科生课程Medical Imaging & Processing(医学成像处理),本门课程由武越老师担任校内助教,协助Steffen Sammet教授授课。


Steffen Sammet 副教授为公司本科生授课现场

Steffen Sammet副教授结合自己多年的临床经验,对医学成像处理技术的发展,医学成像设备的原理,医学图像处理的相关知识进行了深入浅出的讲解,使员工对医学成像处理产生了浓厚的兴趣。该门课程的设立对员工今后的学习与研究产生了深远的影响。

Sammet 夫妇与同学们合影留念

Dr. Steffen Sammet是美国芝加哥大学医学中心影像科的副教授,临床磁共振物理的主任,医学物理师。发表了论文58篇和6部医学成像论著,在个人的研究领域具有非常高的学术造诣。

7月8日上午, Dr. Steffen Sammet教授以“Image-guided Ultrasound Therapy”为题,他的夫人Dr. Christina Sammet(美国西北大学放射科的诊断医学物理师)以“Balancing Risks in Pediatric Imaging”为题,分别为Betway88必威研究生做了两场生动有趣的报告,对于拓展研究生的临床科研视野,开展国际合作具有非常重要的意义。

Steffen Sammet 副教授与他的夫人Christina Sammet为bw必威西汉姆联官网首页研究生作报告

Sammet 夫妇 与bw必威西汉姆联官网首页师生合影留念

【Steffen Sammet简介】

Dr. Sammet is the Director of Clinical MR Physics at the University of Chicago. He has aPh.D. in Physics, and he is board certified in Medical Physics by the AmericanBoard of Radiology and the German Society of Medical Physics. He has an M.D.from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and hold an active medical licensein Germany. His primary research areas include high field MRI and MRSapplications. Dr. Sammet worked at The Ohio State University and the GermanCancer Research Center on MRI/MRS methodology including sequence developmentfor clinical high field and ultrahigh field (7T) MRI studies focusing oncancer. He also has a post-graduate degree in Total Quality Management andperform quality assurance of image acquisitions, reconstruction, and analysis.He has extensive experience in translational research and serve as principleinvestigator for several extramural grants that focus on the development ofnovel MRI techniques. He was also Principal Investigator on an R25 NIH/NINDSgrant to establish an educational neuroradiological imaging program in Nigeriaand he is Associate Program Director of the Clinical Imaging Medical PhysicsResidency Program and research mentor of graduate students in his research labat the University of Chicago.

上一篇:bw必威西汉姆联官网首页国际双创实践周系列活动之 海外课程—李鸿升助理教授:《深度神经网络》
下一篇:bw必威西汉姆联官网首页国际双创实践周系列活动之 海外课程—Harald Baier教授:《(计算机相关)代数主题拣选》